Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Found An Old Friend!!!

I did it! I did a search in MySpace (no, I don't have a MySpace page, I set up a dummy in order to search on it) for people who graduated from Winnemucca High School in 1974. I came across a "Jaci" and wondered, could it possibly be Jaci Wilcox? I played with her when I was little too. So I messaged her and she emailed back! I can hardly believe it! She thinks either her brother or dad can get me in touch with Claire Wycoff. Jaci lives in Portland now. She said she "had often wondered about you and your family since your dad died and had thought about doing an online search for you. Then I about spit my teeth out cause there you were in my inbox!"

How frickin' cool is that???

Yep, I love this new technology!


  1. Well, I would have spit my teeth out if I had dentures, OK? But how cool is technology! And I even changed my name since second grade - not to keep stalkers like you away (obviously that didn't work), but because I hated the way my name was spelled: Jackie. How boring. But I am really thrilled we've reconnected, too! Woo Hoo!!

  2. Well at our age I figured maybe you DID have dentures! I'm just so excited to have found you!

    I thought your name was spelled different but hey, I was only in the second grade so I thought maybe I was wrong. And no, it didn't help you keep me away!

    So now I'm thinking we need to find as many of us from second grade as we can (only the girls though) and meet somewhere someday for a girls weekend!!!

    Can you guys believe this??? I found Jaci Wilcox!

  3. She sounds a bit like Kate, WOO HOO and all. I'm amazed that you girls remember each others names from 2nd grade ! And to find each other after marriage is so great. I hope you can get together---there would be lots of giggles.

    Oh, Jaci, I'm Jodi's Mom. Jodi is so pleased to have found you !
