Monday, July 14, 2008

Bad Day...

I hate bad days. In fact, I hate them so much that I don't allow myself to have them. What good does it do me? I don't fell any better after I've had a bad day. It certainly doesn't fix the problems that have caused a bad day. All it does is make me feel - bad. But today, I'm having a bad day and even my old standby saying of "If this is the worse thing that happens to you today, be grateful" isn't making me feel better. The fact that I keep forgetting to resupply my happy pills obviously hasn't helped the situation. In fact, it's made things much worse. It makes me mad that I have to take happy pills to contend with life. Why don't I have the strength and fortitude to handle life without them?

I'm not blaming you Elmer, but if you'd quit calling me today with disappointing news I have no control over, I'd appreciate it. However, I WON'T cry. I'm afraid if I started I may not be able to stop - ever. It breaks my heart that my friend Val has cancer and feels like she's at the end of her life. It breaks my heart that the little 10 year old boy who was lost in the desert near Emmett died of heat stroke. It breaks my heart to think about the Marine who couldn't handle the effects of war and took and overdose of medication.

See, my life really is good. What right do I have to have a bad day over things that probably really don't matter in the grand scheme of life. As soon as the grandkids go home, I'm heading over the hill to get those happy pills...


  1. Im sorry you had a bad day, mom. Everyone is entitled to have bad days though... even YOU.



  2. Today is much better already - I'm getting my house cleaned today and that ALWAYS makes me feel better. Funny how a clean environment makes our mood happier!

  3. Thank goodness those bad days are usually one day.
    I'm so glad you feel better today, bad days are BAD. Good days are GOODER.

  4. Good news
    cant find any bad news today
    Love you

  5. Bad days are what makes us appreciate ALL the many good ones. You have to have one once in a while just for comparison purposes.

    I'm sorry you had a bad day sister. I wish I could have been there for you. But we'd have just cried together.

    Keep those happy pills. Remember, life demands more of us now than it did a generation ago. They're not any different than heart medication, or any other maintenence medication you'd take to stay alive. But rather than keeping you alive, they give you a life. (just spelled a little different, that's all.)

    And one more little tid bit. Learn to say "NO", you HAVE to. Repeat after me,
    "No, I can't do that today."
    "No, I'm busy."
    "No, thank you."
    "No, I have plans."
    "No, I don't want to."
    "No, I don't feel like it."
    "No, you can't make me."
    and my favorite,...
    "No. just NO."
