Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day...

Isn't she gorgeous!


Are they cute or what?

What a wonderful family we have...

Papa LOVES the grandkids!


  1. AAAWWWW! Those are so cute. And our mother IS GORGEOUS!!!!

  2. What good pictures. The only one missing is ----- JODI -----.
    Someone should have taken a picture of you . That was a wonderful Mothers Day.
    ( that is the most flattering picture I have ever had taken in my life. geeee, thanks, Jodi, you made me look ok. )

  3. What a great day! We do have the best family ever!

    And the prettiest Mom ever!
    Ya know, they say if you want to see what a woman will look like when she's older, look at her mother. And if that's true, we are gonna be BAAABES!

  4. Awwwwwww, the kids couldn't be any cuter. That was a really good day. :) Love you!
