Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Mom at a little place we stopped to have a cool drink.

Not quite the same way mom's name is spelled, but I thought this sign was fun! I'm going to crop it and have a big photo done for my kitchen.

This is a magnificent resort we stopped by with a georgous view of the ocean. This is where the gringos live/stay in Mexico.

Quite a contrast to where the working people of Mexico live. It must have been wash day, every house had their laundry out on lines.

Thanks mom, it was so much fun!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yay! Great pictures! More, more, MORE!! Our mom is so cute.

    That sign is wonderful; that will be great in your kitchen.

  3. Before anyone asks, the deleted comment was from the sneaky little man who wants wants us all to look at his cell phone site. I HATE HIM...

  4. Thanks, Jodi. Could I look any fatter !!!!!!!! I wore that green striped blouse last year and don't remember it being size 200 lb.
    That's it, I give up eating completely !!!!!!!!
    We did have fun !

  5. MOTHER!! You are not fat, nor do you ever look fat. The funny thing is, when I saw those pictures, I thought "she is in such great shape!"

  6. Thank you girls ! I love it when you lie like that. Loyal, no matter what ! Make the old girl feel good , way to go !!!!!!

  7. Don't be siily Dee....of course you could be fatter! Just kidding...you look terrific! Sheri
