Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Did You Know There's a QVC of Men?

Boy have things changed since I was dating over 22 years ago. We used to have to physically leave home to find our perfect mates. Well, I'll be damned, now there's a QVC of men called It's freakin' amazing! You get on your computer and "shop" for a guy! You get to see what he looks like without having to look him in the eye! You can see if he's a nice looker, and if you like him, you can read all about him to see if he's your type!

I'm glad I have my wonderful husband of 22 years, but don't tell him, but I did me some shoppin' and lookey here what I found!

You can get 'em as singles...

Or, if you can't decide, you can get a pair...

And shoot, I even found twins!


  1. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! You KNOW the theme song from "Deliverance" was playing when those "twins" got their picture taken.

  2. Uh, I wouldn't for for the twins. I think they're unhappy cuz their shirts don't match. And I thought the middle pic were twins. At least their attitude. You can forward these on to Linda when she runs out of possibilities.

  3. I thought nothing could make me appreciate Jake more...

  4. Actually, the middle picture, the feller on the right,... yup, we's meetin' fer a brewski after church on Sund'y.

    I love QVCin' fer men.

  5. Oh, he's the cutest one by far! Since Kate's gonna be there, maybe she kin meet him too!

  6. what happened to your Mummy post???
