Sunday, January 20, 2008

She's A Pretty Little Thing

Yesterday morning I was taking Kole home at 10:15 in the morning when I was run off the road by a drunk driver about 1/4 of a mile from the turn-in here at Hidden Springs.

I had just turned onto Seaman's Gulch heading over the hill when I noticed a car coming toward me veer into my lane.  WTF!  It was almost like it was slow motion but I ran off the road as she passed by me in my lane.  The guy in the truck behind her lifted his hands like he didn't know what to do.  I turned around in time to see her veer back into her lane then back into oncoming traffic where she ran two more vehicles off the road.  As she got right across from the turn-in at Hidden Springs, she evidently gained some sense of propriety and turned on her blinker in order to maneuver a "safe" turn from the wrong lane.  The guy in the truck behind her and I both followed her into the parking lot of the Merc where she slowly and methodically tried to decide where to "park".  She ran up onto the sidewalk, decided she wasn't quite where she needed to be, so pulled onto the grass where she lurched to a stop.  She slumped back in her seat, obviously quite happy she had made it home.The guy in the truck ran over to see if she was drunk or had a medical problem, discovered she was definitely drunk, and took the keys out of the car. He said he had followed her all the way over the hill helplessly watching as car after car was run off the road. He said he flashed his lights and blared his horn all the way over the hill hoping to get her to stop but it didn't work.

I ran in the Merc and called the police, took Kole to meet Jacki, and came back and filled out a police report. And you know what the worst part was? Of all the cars she ran off the road, NO ONE called the police until we did. Was everyone thinking someone else would do it or what?

I couldn't wait until this morning to get on the Sheriff's website to see what she looked like being that drunk. I expected to have some sense of revenge finding a horrid picture - as it turns out, she looks GOOD! It's better than my prom picture! How can someone be over 2 times the legal limit and take a picture like this?

Ada County Sheriff's Office - Arrest Photo


  1. I'm so glad you and Kole are OK.It is pretty scary no one else called but isn't there poor cell service out there? Maybe no one could call. She looks amazing for a drunk,must be her stupid youth!! Sheri

  2. Yeah, SCARY! I thought of that cell phone excuse too, but most everyone who lives out here has service that works out here. I look worse than that after 2 drinks!

  3. If it makes you feel any better....maybe she has a hell of a hangover today. At any rate, I'm sure she has a lot of regret. Just glad she didn't kill anyone! Sheri

  4. Well, there you go, she's too cute!
    She apparently has been batting her lashes at everyone when she gets in trouble and they let her get away with it.
    There's no justice. All those drivers and you were lucky !!!!!!!!

  5. you might be right, Linda. I know I always think I look way better after I've had a few....I can also sing then! Sheri

  6. I'm SO glad you guys are okay! That really gets me going that someone could have ruined lives in one sweeping stroke of stupidity.

  7. Jeebus, that's SCARY! I'm so glad you guys didn't get hurt. What I want to know is how was she that drunk at 10:00 in the morning??


  8. There's that old CW song, " The girls all get prettier at closing time--". I don't think she paid any attention to closing time, she somehow just kept drinking ! Thus , she was prettier, and VERY drunk !

  9. Well, one of the guys asked the officer about that and he said it was from the night before so I assume she just never quit. I wrote her a little letter and as Linda suggested, added a picture of Kole. I put it in her door. I hope it makes her think twice knowing that these are real people who she puts in danger.

  10. Jodi, that's a GREAT idea. If that doesn't stop her from drinking and driving, nothing will. That little gal was in serious need of a wake-up call.

  11. Jodi, that was an excellant idea ! I hope she dreams about Kole , sees that little face nightly, thinks about Gramma too, what might have happened and it scares her sober.

  12. I talked to mom last night. It just so happened that lady had just called and sincerely apologized. I hope EVERYTIME she drinks now, she will think of Kole and call a cab. Scarey!
