Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Corpse In The Chair Was A Dead Giveaway

I found this way too funny article on MSN this morning. Gave me a good laugh! (ok, this is a little creepy, but haven't we all talked about doing something similar to this?)

Cops: Pair wheels corpse to store to cash check

Pair wheels dead man to store to cash his Social Security check, police say

Jan. 8, 2008

NEW YORK - Two men wheeled a dead man through the streets in an office chair to a check-cashing store Tuesday and tried to cash his Social Security check before being arrested on fraud charges, police said.

David J. Dalaia and James O'Hare pushed Virgilio Cintron's body from the Manhattan apartment that O'Hare and Cintron shared to Pay-O-Matic, about a block away, spokesman Paul Browne said witnesses told police.

"The witnesses saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and keeping him from flopping from side to side," Browne said.

The men left Cintron's body outside the store, went inside and tried to cash his $355check, Browne said. The store's clerk, who knew Cintron, asked the men where he was, and O'Hare told the clerk they would go and get him, Browne said.

A police detective who was having lunch at a restaurant next to the check-cashing store noticed a crowd forming around Cintron's body, and "it's immediately apparent to him that Cintron is dead," Browne said.

The detective called uniformed New York Police Department officers at a nearby precinct. Emergency medical technicians arrived as O'Hare and Dalaia were preparing to wheel Cintron's body into the check-cashing store, Browne said. Police arrested Dalaia and O'Hare there, he said.

Cintron's body was taken to a hospital morgue. The medical examiner's office told police it appeared Cintron, 66, had died of natural causes within the previous 24 hours, Browne said.

"He was deceased in the apartment when he was removed by these two," Browne said.

Dalaia and O'Hare, both 65, were being held by police and faced check fraud charges, Browne said.

A call to a telephone number listed for Cintron at the apartment he shared with O'Hare went unanswered Tuesday evening.


  1. "Haven't we all talked about doing something similar to this?"

    Um, NO!!! You freakin' sicko!!

    Geez. Remind me never to die when you're around.

  2. Hey, are you thinking about ME----wheeling me in to cash my SS check? What is going on behind my back ???????????

  3. That is a funny story , Jodi. I can't believe how stupid some crooks are. Well, they're new, they'll learn in prison.

  4. OK mom, remember how you and I have talked about how you don't want to go before a certain "somebody" and how we'd take care of the problem if you did???  How we'd prop you up in a rocker on your porch so that a certain "somebody" wouldn't get your money?

  5. Oh, yes. That's right. So, Jodi its up to you to put my makeup on every day. Not too much blush, please. I don't want to look like a clown.

  6. Dee, for Gods sake, if there was ever a time for a professional make up job, this is it! And what will you care what it will be dead. I'm not sure I trust Jodi not to clown you up with that sick sense of humor of hers!! Sheri

  7. Now sheri, do you REALLY think I'd do something my mom might not approve of??????

  8. Sheri,
    Did YOUR mom ever put your hair in pig-tails so tight you had a raging head-ache all day?

    So you just stay out of this. We've been counting on revenge our entire lives.


  9. Kate, you be nice to Sheri-----I think she's on my side. ( And this is Sheri G. not Cheri E. ) Headache ? What I've heard you complain about all your life was that you thought you were Oriental till you were old enough to do your own hair.

  10. Well, it's actually Sheri Z - but you were close mom!

  11. ooooooops, sorry Sheri.
    I live in a "Constant State of Confusion", got my residency years ago and live in bliss.

  12. My Mom did the Toni home perms every year...But you didn't see me curling her hair after death, now did you?I think I'm qualified to comment! Sheri

  13. We will need a professional makeup artist, like in "Death Becomes Her" because with our luck, that "Certain somebody" will last for years and we'll have to keep Mom looking good that whole time.

    Wait a minute! Doesn't Ival know a good taxidermist???

  14. Make sure I'm dead----otherwise--

    OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Oh Linda, that's SICK! (I'll check into it)
