Friday, October 26, 2007

It Was Destiny!

About 2 years ago, I heard about a lady Jake was fond of. Her name was Heather. However, I didn't get to meet her as Jake was getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan. He left, having broken up with her because he didn't think it was fair to ask her to wait for him while he was gone. While he was in Arizona for his pre-deployment training, he blogged about this wonderful woman and how sad he was that he was about to delete her name from his cell phone. Little did he know, that Heather was about to call him.

As it turned out, on his leave home before going to Afghanistan, he and Heather got back together. Heather hadn't met Grace yet but took the time to spend every minute she could with her before Jake left.

You all know how important Grace has been in our lives. We had basically raised her since she was 6 months old and we loved her more than we had ever thought possible. I had already thought about what it would be like when Jake finally met someone he loved enough to get married and Grace wouldn't be in our home anymore. In my mind, I knew that I couldn't let her go if the new mommy in her life didn't love her as much as our family did.

Then came Heather. She didn't jump right into Grace's life. She was wise beyond her years and let Grace get to know her at her own pace - something I'm not sure I could have done! But, it wasn't but a few weeks before Grace fell head over heels in love with Heather.

Although she had her own life and could have enjoyed time with her friends and family while Jake was gone, she chose to spend every extra minute with Grace. Grace would stand at the front window every night waiting. When she'd see Heather's car pull up she'd scream "Hedder! Hedder's here!" None of us could believe how incredibly lucky we were! Not only had Jake found a bright, funny, beautiful, loving partner - but Grace had found the mommy she so desperately needed in her life.

Jake came home from Afghanistan on leave in December, 2006 and he married the wife of his (and our!) dreams and Grace got the mommy she so deserved. Heather, we ALL love you! Thank you for taking such good care of my son and loving him the way I always hoped he'd be loved. And especially, for being the mommy I always hoped Grace would have - I couldn't have let her go to anyone else...


  1. It's true. Heather is literally the perfect wife for Jake and mother for Grace. She just fit in perfectly to our family and we are ALL so lucky to have her.

    WE LOVE YOU, HEDDER!!!!!!!

  2. Heather is a ray of sunshine that we all get to enjoy. She IS the perfect wife-----loving, caring, patient, and though they didn't KNOW each other as long as perhaps it would take to understand someone before marrying, Heather and Jake just fit. And Grace loves her Mommy and misses her terribly when they're apart.
    Heather, you are a JOY, THANK YOU ! for being a part of our family. I LOVE YOU ! Grammma Dee

  3. I really don't like being the center of attention... GOSH MOM, you're SO embarrassing! ;)

    To be clear, you made it EASY for me to be in your and Grace's life which made the time fly by while Jake was deployed. It was selfishness on my part and the fact that I felt an instant connection with Grace.

    It really was destiny - Jake and I knew we would spend the rest of our lives together even before he came home on leave for the first time. We knew our search was over, simple as that. :) Jake had good rearin' and it shows. Family is important to him, he's loyal, honest, incredibly intelligent, funny, and caring. I'm the lucky one cuz now he's mine FOREVER. :)

    All the love and support you and Ival gave to Grace while Jake was gone is a BIG reason she is who she is today. I'm lucky to have had a "training period" for motherhood and I can't thank you enough for that. I really learned a lot (I still am). The most important thing to me with respect to Grace was that I needed to be there for her and that happened because you let it.

    Grace is and always will be an active part of your and Ival's lives and she loves you and thinks the world of you. :) Which is great because so do I! Love you!

  4. Yep, We love our Hedder! She's special to ALL of us.

    I hope SOMEDAY that my daughters find spouses that are as good as Heather and Tim.

    You are sooooo lucky Jodi!
