Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well, Adam went out to check on his birds when he got home from school yesterday. The little quail was sitting on the nest, all cozy, sleeping with her head tucked neatly up near her wing. He wanted to see how many eggs she was sitting on (she's such a good mommy!) and gave her a little jab. Bummer, she's in full rigger - laying just the way she was sitting on the eggs when the big fat chicken evidently came into the hen house and plopped her fat ass right on top of her. Smothered - dead. So now, the cute little mommy sits on top of the trash in the can, all cozy, sleeping with her head tucked neatly up near her wing. Sigh...


  1. So sad....altho I knew from your previous post that the Quails days were probably numbered. Love your Blog and check it daily! Sheri Zellner

  2. "full rigger"?? I didn't know what the heck that meant at first. Poor mama quail. Looks like it's gonna be FRIED CHICKEN for dinner!!

  3. Hey Sheri! Nice to hear from you! When are you going to start a blog? It's rather relaxing!!!

  4. Okay Jodi you have a whole group of blog stalkers. Love your stories, they crack me up. Hope daughter and baby are doing well. Lets do a concert again soon.

  5. Hey Pam! I stalk your blog too! Aren't they fun? We need to get Sue and Sheri doing one! Heck, let's do ANYTHING soon!
