Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Sister is Gettin' Married!

And here's the happy couple - ain't they purdy??

Dear, sweet, Lisa and Andrea - I'm SO sorry - but I have to post this picture too.


  1. But! But! You didn't explain the outfits!! You gotta explain WHY they are dressed that way and what each article represents (like Bob's um shoes).

    I love how Andrea's all "Ok, this is kinda funny" and Lisa's all "Maybe if I don't acknowledge them they'll disappear!"

  2. What do you mean, 'explain the outfits'? You make it sounds like there's something wrong or odd? What's wrong with my outfit???

  3. Well, um, nothing. Totally normal. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

    I do covet those boots. I would seriously wear them with knee socks and a short skirt. (mom is hurrying to delete me from her speed dial at this very moment.)

  4. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't give those boots to Kate! I thought I had bad taste! If I knew how to work my speed dial - you'd be deleted off mine too!
